2025 Omaha Adult Softball Registration
We’re again adding an indoor team hitting membership option at UBA April 15th through July 31st for only $100 for the whole team!
If you won your league tournament last year, you MUST move up a league level for this season if there is an option to do so. This is to keep leagues both as safe and competitive as possible. If you fail to register yourself up you risk being bumped later on and/or forfeiting both your games and league fees.
Competitive “E-Comp” Leagues = You're playing for fun, but you're a solid team and looking for some competition. You're no college level ball player but you're no slouch either. These leagues get upper tier umpires ($15 per team per game at the field).
Recreational "Rec" Leagues = You're playing for fun and are not physically capable of hurting anyone you play against. No pressure in these leagues. Lower tier umpires & up ($13 per team per game at the field).
Competitive "E-Comp" Leagues $15 Ump Fee At The Field Each Team Per Game You're playing for fun, but you're a good team looking for some competition. You're no college level ball player but you're no slouch either. Upper level umpires. |
Recreational "E-Rec" Leagues $13 Ump Fee At The Field Each Team Per Game You're playing for fun and are not physically capable of hurting anyone you play against. No pressure in these leagues. Lower tier umpires & better. |
Private Leagues |